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Friday, November 18, 2005

American Forces Radio

rabid reactionary talk radio host Sean Vanity is losing markets to Air America radio, such as in Boulder-Denver, Colorado

'Mister Oxycontin' Limp Rushbaugh is all atwitter these days, falsely accusing liberals of attempting to cancel his A.F.R. airtime [false] and chooses to defend himself by saying that he appears only one hour a day on A.F.R.

this is true, he airs 8pm-9pm daily, but this is a non-sequitur: the problem being corrected is that right-wing talk radio broadcasts bald-faced lies to the troops around the world 64 HOURS A WEEK on A.F.R., with NO rebuttal from the left

and the Congressional twits and Taliban bureaucrats in charge reject highly popular 'lefties' like Al Franken based on false 'rules' and spurious, ad hoc criteria

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