So my list includes Nebuchudnezzer (Biblical king), Bubba, Jawaharlal (Nehru, first president of modern India), Thorstein (Veblen, famous sociologist), Aristotle, Balthazar (one of the Three Wise Men), and Shadnack, Meshak, or Abednego (Book of Daniel).
If I'm in a particular mood, I name my meal Spartacus; then when an employee calls that name, I stand and raise a fist high, and shout "I am Spartacus!".
You are invited to do this also. This very mild form of messing with people is available to all. You might just innocently intervene in another person's day, jolting them awake from the stupor of their humdrum, boring, boring 'normal' life.
Random acts of kindness are interventions.