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Thursday, June 02, 2022

News Factoids for Second Quarter 2022


The U.S. has only 4¼ per cent of the world’s population, yet it accounts for twenty per cent of all covid-19 deaths. Be sure to thank a Republican.

77,124 people in the US died of coronavirus in December 2020, making it the deadliest month of the pandemic.

May 19th, 2022: The C.D.C. announced 1,001,606 confirmed U.S. deaths, among 83,060,981 confirmed US cases.


Effective 1 January 2021, the minimum wage in New Mexico rose from $9.00 per hour to $10.50 per hour for most workers and up to $2.55 per hour for tipped workers not working in cities with higher local wage standards.

"There is now research showing that in advanced economies two-thirds of the population are now on the track to be poorer than their parents." ~~~ Rana Foroohar - Associate Editor, Financial Times in 2020

"If you told me you own all of the bitcoin in the world and you offered it to me for $25, I wouldn't take it. Because what would I do with it? I'd have to sell it back to you one way or another. It isn't going to do anything." -- American capitalist Warren Buffett - in May 2022

U.S. gross domestic product grew 5.7 percent in 2021, the fastest pace since 1984.

The national average price for diesel fuel stood at $5.56 a gallon as-of May 22, just shy of the record of $5.58 set the prior week, according to A.A.A.


Only about 11.5 million Americans actually hunt in a given year - fewer than go to ballet performances. -- per The Atlantic Magazine

Tasmania declared itself 100 percent powered by renewable electricity in November 2020

“Putin has now affirmed that he refuses to accept the outcome of the Cold War.” -- Tom Nichols, referring to the Russian president’s 'simply unhinged' speech on 21 February 2022

“It’s often said that genealogical research is the second most popular hobby in the United States, after gardening, and the second most popular search category online, after porn.” -- Maya Jasanoff

June 2022 : 21 percent of adults in the U.S. are illiterate and 54 percent have a prose literacy below sixth-grade level. -- per several news sites

May 25, the 145th day of the year: There have now been at least 198 mass shootings this year alone. Let that sink in for a moment: There have been more mass killings due to gun violence than there have been days in 2022.

In July, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number 800-273-8255 will change nationwide to a three-digit number - 988 - to make it easier for people in a crisis to get the help that they need. At least that's the hope.

Copyright 2022 by G.E. Nordell, all rights reserved

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