Both Belen and Los Lunas were built atop a giant lode of Belenium ore. The effect varies based on where you are and how deep the Belenium vein is at that location.
It’s sorta like kryptonite, the green stuff from Superman’s home planet that messes with him in various ways
Attempts have been made here to mine Belenium, but nobody wants the stuff.
See, Belenium explains why people in Valencia County have such difficulty parking between the lines.
It explains why Valencia County has no hospital, even after an offer for 60 acres of free land.
It explains why drivers in Valencia County think that they are supposed to add 50 percent to the posted speed limit and they are still legal.
It explains why so many voters choose fascism and vote for Republican candidates. Which is the same thing as not voting at all.
And the fact that the biggest deposit of Belenium ore is directly underneath Belen City Hall explains lots and lots.
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