An outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus in Africa in December 2013 reached an epidemic state, expanding from Guinea to Liberia and Sierra Leone, with isolated cases spreading to Europe and the United States by way of aircraft passengers.
By late October 2014, the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) reported a total of 12,008 suspected cases and 5,078 deaths, while assuming that many cases have been neither identified nor reported.
The strongest danger to public health in the United States is the refusal by the Republican Party in Congress to allow confirmation hearings for the vacant position of U.S. Surgeon General.
"The Hot Zone: The Terrifying True Story of The Origins of The Ebola Virus" [New York Times bestseller 1994] by Richard Preston Kindle Edition from Anchor/Random House [3/2012] for $4.99 Anchor 8x5¼ pb [6/99] for $10.22 rebound pb 7x4¾ library hardcover [8/95] for $13.52 Random House 9½x6¼ hardcover [9/94] out of print/hundreds used |
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