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Friday, September 01, 2017

Superstorm Solution

Harvey is just the first Superstorm this year. Hurricane Irma is already forming. We can expect many more, due to Republican Party failure to deal with what is now called the Global Climate Crisis.

Texas and the Gulf Coast are now waterlogged. There will be mosquitos. So the solution for preventing malaria epidemics in America from each storm is to reverse the ban on the pesticide D.D.T – temporarily, say for one year (and same after each record-breaking storm cycle.) Such a reversal should also be limited by geography, such as to the Gulf Coast or Florida or New York City.

Eco-activist Rachel Carson [1907-64] was right about the dangers of D.D.T. yet it remains the most effective preventive, and the current practice of NOT using D.D.T. in Africa is the cause of thousands of unnecessary deaths. Carson always said that carefully managed use of pesticides was an important option. Let's give it a try.

Copyright 2017 by G.E. Nordell, all rights reserved

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