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Friday, April 06, 2012

Apartheid In Arizona

The Arizona Legislature has passed a series of laws that essentially bring Apartheid Law to America. In fulfillment of the new laws, the Board of Education in Tucson, Arizona made a list of fifty books in its Xicano & Ethic Studies programs in January, and then over-reacted by sending jackbooted thugs to classrooms to rip the banned books from the hands of students and off the shelves of libraries and classrooms; the captured books, especially the top seven offenders, were boxed up and taken to an undisclosed location for 'storage'.

So I have begun coding links to the Seven Major Offenders on the Spirit of America Bookstore Ethnic Authors page { click here }; works 'Banned in Tucson' include a stageplay by Wm. Shakespeare and books by Rudolfo Anaya, N. Scott Momaday, Sherman Alexie, poet Jimmy Santiago Baca, Henry David Thoreau [1817-62], and others.

Aren't you glad to be living in 'modern' times?

Copyright 2012 by G.E. Nordell, all rights reserved

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